Good Web Design
So you have an idea and you want to build a web site. A GOOD web site (Goal Oriented Objective Design) is essential if you are going to have a site that is both usable and effective.
First, what is the goal of your website? That is what is it you wish to achieve once it is up and running?
Second Orient your website, and by this I mean align or position the site with respect to the clients you wish to attract and keep.
Third, what is the Objective of the site? Do you want to sell products? Do you want to provide information? You should have clear goals in mid before you start the design process as this will better assist you when you actually begin coding you site.
Last is the Design. Your design is arguably the most important part of your site. A bad design could turn of a visitor before they have a chance to realize the value of the service or products you offer. If you rush into a design that is not thought out you risk failing from the start of your project
Any website design that we at Downtown Digital undertake will follow this process. Asking a client questions up front can save immeasurable hours of coding and provides an end result that will achieve fantastic results.